正能量传递 失踪儿童照片登上矿泉水瓶

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A bottled water company in eastern China has begun printing pictures of missing children on its packaging to help parents and authorities find them.我国东部的一家瓶装水公司正在将失踪儿童的照片印在水瓶包装上,以帮助家长和有关部门寻找这些失踪儿童。Qingdao Kingtex International said it has sold 500,000 bottles with information on six children missing since July. The labels also include the child's birth date and a hotline number.青岛清珠国际公司表示,自7月起售出了50万瓶印有6名失踪儿童信息的矿泉水。水瓶标签上还有孩子的生日和热线电话号码。

"We just wanted to play our part in helping those parents who might spend their lifetime searching for their missing children," said a marketing manager at the company该公司一位市场经理表示:“我们只是想尽一份力,来帮助那些可能要花一生的时间去寻找他们失踪的孩子的父母们。”"We're mainly selling the water bottles in Qingdao," she said. "Next, we'd like to expand the program to Beijing and Shanghai, to spread the information nationwide, so as to raise more awareness of missing children."她说道:“我们目前主要在青岛销售这些瓶装水。下一步我们希望将项目扩大到北京、上海,让这些信息散播到全国各地,以此让更多人关注失踪儿童。”The project was launched in cooperation with Baobei Huijia (Baby Back Home), a volunteer group that supports parents looking for missing children nationwide.该项目由清珠国际和宝贝回家组织共同发起的,宝贝回家是帮助家长在全国寻找失踪子女的志愿者组织。"It's always a good thing to add another method to help search for lost children. At the very least, these efforts will help to draw people's attention to the problem of child trafficking," said Zhang Baoyan, who founded the group with her husband, Qin Yanyou.与丈夫秦艳友一起创办这一组织的张宝艳表示:“用另一种方法来帮助寻找丢失的孩子,这总归来说是一件好事。至少这些努力将有助于让人们聚焦到贩卖儿童问题上。”